Allah swt is our Rabb. He is The Sustainer, Cherisher, Provider, Protector. He is The Most Powerful, The Most Magnificent, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. He is Alone. He has no partners. He alone is The Creator. Anything else other than Him is creation. He is completely free of any needs. But the creation is completely in need of Him. When there was nothing there was Allah, when there will be nothing there will be Allah. Allah swt is sustaning everything; the fish in the ocean, the animals in the jungle, the birds in the sky. Allah created the clouds, and He Himself sends down the rain. Allah created the cows, and He Himself provides the milk. He can give rain without the clouds, He can give milk without the cows. He is The All-Knowing. Nothing escapes His knowledge. He knows when a black ant is creeping on a black rock in the darkest of night. He knows when a leaf is falling off in the darkest of the jungle. He knows when two tiny grains of sand are rubbing against each other at the bottom of the ocean. He gives shame, He gives fame. He gives success, He gives failure. He is in control of the hearts. If the entire humanity submitted to/turned away from Him, it will not increase/decrease His rank even by a bit. If the first and the last among us, all the Jinn gathered in one place, and every one of us asked from him, and He granted every single thing that we'd asked, His treasuries will not decrease even by a drop of water. If all the trees were made pens and the oceans were made ink, added another seven oceans on top of that, we will never be able to write down all the bounties of Allah. The angels can count the drops of rain that have befallen the earth, but they cannot count the bounties of Allah. If the entire world gathered in one place to benefit/harm a person, without the Will of Allah it will not happen. It is not "Allah CAN do everything," but it is "Allah who IS doing everything."

“The seven heavens and the earth and all that is therein, glorify Him and there is not a thing but glorifies His Praise” (Al-Isra’ 17:44) Image courtesy of
This is what is contained in Lailahaillallah. It's not merely a sentence, it's a conviction of the heart. It is not just to be said on the tongue, it is to be inculcated in the heart. This kalimah is so precious that, if it was put in one pan of a scale, and the seven heavens and the seven earths were put in the other, Lailahaillallah will outweigh everything on the other side. If a person recites this kalimah with sincerity, a pillar holding up the 'Arasy (Throne) will start shaking, and it will not stop until the sin of the reciter is forgiven. If a person dies believing sincerely in this kalimah, he is entitled to Jannah.p/s: May Allah give me and you the taufiq to bring the reality of this kalimah in our hearts. Please pray for me, I'm weak.
1 comment:
Subhanallah.. semuga kita semua dapat berlindung dibawah arash Nya sehingga kehujung hayat... Segala puji selayaknya untu Allah sahaja maka pulangkan kepada NYA
Alhamdulllah.... syukur diatas segala nikmat yang terus menerus dilimpahi keatas kita..... ya allah kkalkan kami menjadi penerima yang bersyukur
Allahuakbar.... sesungguhnya tiada daya dan upaya kami melainkan dengan ehsan Mu jua
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